Howdy and Merry Christmas! As you can see, we’ve got snow:
Greetings from our family to yours for this celebration of our Savior’s birth!
– Jonathan
Howdy and Merry Christmas! As you can see, we’ve got snow:
Greetings from our family to yours for this celebration of our Savior’s birth!
– Jonathan
It seems like as time marches on and the calendar claims we’re all getting older by the day the minutes and hours fly past all the faster! With so much to do and so little time to do it, the temptation comes to focus more on things than people….
But things don’t last for Eternity. It’s the relationships we have and the time we spend building into each other’s lives that we will actually count for something when we stand one day before our Awesome Creator God. So as we rush ever closer to the day this year when we celebrate the beginning of His physical appearance and work on this earth, I’m trying to remember that it’s worthwhile to build with gold, sliver and precious stones upon our Firm Foundation and to focus on relationships with God and Others more than my pet projects.
It should be obvious all the time, I suppose, but it seems like so often I miss it. Chalk it up to being a “Project Person” or just the infernal pressures of living in this fallen world, pick an excuse out of the hat–they’ll all work…. Why can’t I remember that People are more important than Projects? If I look back on some of my favorite memories it isn’t very often that a project that stands out as the glowing high point. The project may have been “fun”, but it was really the people that made it that way!
So on that note here’s a few of my favorite memories in no particular order of friends and family and folks over the last several years:
Thanksgiving at Uncle Luke’s with lots of good food and fellowship and laughter and staying way later than we’d intended.
Unloading a hay wagon with my cousin into the mow in Gramps’ barn quicker than he could fetch the next load–still an all time record I think!
Camping out in the top of a gutted out little yellow house and staying up way late talking…or listing to the other two guys talk at least :-)
“Sleeping” out under the stars in a snowbank and planning a hiking trip–ultralight–and so we thought we’d take a blanket…maybe!
Cutting wood with the guys from church in knee high snow to keep the boiler feed and the church building warm.
Finding and shooting and butchering and cooking and eating one little squirrel–didn’t go far between four guys, but boy was it good!
Standing around between a couple of pianos in our living room and “bringing down the roof ” with a lot of good hymns and carols sung at the top of our voices!
Sitting around different fires in different states at different times with different people talking about everything and nothing and not talking at all.
Staying up until it was morning working on plumbing and electrical projects and then getting an hour’s sleep before church!
Packing in some thrown together gear about 4 snowy miles since when we got there the drive in campgrounds was closed but we still wanted to test out the trails.
Hours spent playing Four Square with folks who are serious about the sport!
Hiking up to the overlook in NC in the dark with Jonathan singing what ever hymns to which we could remember more than 5 words in a row!
Sitting around on the cool concrete a fair while after the “sensible” olders and youngers had gone off to bed “un-inventing” things, talking and generally being goofy. :-)
(And from longer ago….)
Getting up early with Jonathan on Christmas morning and getting dressed, making our beds, and sitting excitedly until the appointed hour we could wake up Mom and Dad.
Getting the big K’nex set for Christmas that we always used to get every year and working for days putting it all together with help from Dad and Mom and Grandma.
So at this joyous time of year when we look forward and look backwards what memories are you making? What relationships are you developing and deepening? What are some your favorite memories from past years?
May we be too be growing in grace and in favor with God and men!
“Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith—to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.” –Romans 16:25-27
Well after shamefully neglecting this place for months we’ll pop in briefly just to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Then we’ll head off to spend time with family the meanwhile fading into silence and cyberspace once again :)
We trust that you have much to be thankful for, as we do, this year–Come ye thankful people, come and Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
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