In the month of March our little church was bustling with activity–in addition to regular services and Awana, two couples teamed up to host a Family Game Night; and we also had special services for Easter to celebrate the power and life of our Risen Lord!
At the game night one of the husbands who had worked for a local pizzeria headed up the pizza making–a big mess ensued, but boy was that good pizza!
Freshly baked pizza’s waiting to be sliced and served |
There were a TON of games to choose between–from board games….
And card games…
To bean bag toss!
A lot of people had a lot of fun–and hurling those bean bags seemed to be a real favorite!
On the other side of the divider, protected from the legume projectiles there were a couple of more serious game players…
Another opportunity we took to have some food and extra fellowship at Ainger occurred between our special Easter morning celebrations. It is our tradition to bring in breakfast to share between the early (Easter only) 8 am service and our usual 11 o’clock assembly.
Some of the ladies did a lovely job of decorating the tables.
The fare at these feasts is always fabulous–never lacking in quantity or quality!
And what report on Resurrection Day would be complete without a few pictures of Lilies?
“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea…
“With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me…..
“As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free…
“For our God IS marching on!”
Praising God for His unconquerable, undiminishing love, displayed in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8)
It is always nice to have fellowship on sundays.